2023-04-23 / Release Note 01.04.4

Release Date: 2023-04-23

CI HUB Panel - Enhancements regarding Glyphs, Sidecar file enhancements

CI HUB UI - All Metadata containers (basic, custom, xmp, exif, iptc) are collapsed by default, and the status is stored and stays consistent panel wide - even after a restart.

CI HUB UI - Language selection can be done via the context menu 

Figma - When placing the image on the canvas,  the default size has been changed to 400x400px. Placed assets can thus be better located when a low zoom factor is activated.

Sharedien - Fix for Sharedien customers with the “Browser Facets” feature disabled.

Aprimo - "Title" has been added to the asset metadata. 
Fallback values are added when asset metadata is missing.