Release date 17.09.2023
- Add beta system to the HubSpot "dev group" which will give the developers access to the new dev server

New development server and renaming of localhost
- Add a new integration capability which allows the integration to have their folders not cached and to always refreshed when opened
- Add a create folder option capability which allows the integration to have a granular control on which folder has which options when creating it.

- Improvement: task assets refreshes multiple times
- display thumbnail placeholder in asset detail when no thumbnail is available

- Added the integration categories to all integrations

Integration categories
Papirfly v1.0.4
- Improved the asset width and height
Sitecore v1.0.45
- Improved local of undefined error reported by sitecore

Sitefusion v1.0.19
- Enable alwaysRefreshFolders: which disables the folders caching and forces the panel to request the folder content every time.