Where can I find the user Guide of MY CI HUB?
You can download the user guide of MY CI HUB here.
How can I create a new account?
On any CI HUB webpage, click on ‘Start Your Free Trial’ at the top of the page. This will take you to the registration form. Complete the form to create your new account.
Where can I buy new CI HUB licenses?
After you log in, you will be on the ‘My Subscriptions’ page, where you can see your active licenses. Simply click ‘Buy’ to enter the Product Selection page to buy your new licenses. Choose the products you want and click ‘Continue’ at the bottom of the page. On the following cart page, enter your billing and payment information.
For a full walkthrough, watch the video below entitled ‘How to Purchase a Product on MY CI HUB.’
If you are a reseller please watch the video entitled ´MY CIHUB Reseller Guide: Managing Customers & Ordering Licenses´
How can I update or change my billing and payment information?
On the MY CI HUB Dashboard, hover over the "Billing & Payment" button. Select "Payment Methods" to view your current payment methods. Here, you can add or change payment options, edit credit card information or update your billing address.
For a full walkthrough, watch the video above entitled ‘How to Update Payment Method and Access Invoices in MY CI HUB.’
How can I view and download my invoices?
On the MY CI HUB Dashboard, hover over the "Billing & Payment" button. Select "Invoices" to view your invoices. Here, you can view and download your invoices. For a full walkthrough, watch the video below entitled ‘How to Update Payment Method and Access Invoices in MY CI HUB.’
How can I distribute CI HUB licenses to new users?
On the 'My Subscriptions' page, hover over the gear next to the product you want to share. The first option will say ‘Manage (Product) Licenses. On the next screen, click the red ‘Add’ button. You can then share licenses with individuals by manually entering their email, first and last names–or, choose the 'Bulk Upload' option to add multiple users with a file in a CSV format with all their details.
For a full walkthrough, watch the video above entitled ‘MY CI HUB: Distributing Licenses to Users'.
For Resellers please watch the video entitled 'MY CIHUB Reseller Guide: License Distribution, Billing & Payment'
How can I add new admin users?
On the MY CI HUB Dashboard, hover over your profile name in the top-right corner of the page and click on ‘Admin Users’. Then click on ‘New Admin User’ and add their email, first and last names.
For a full walk through, watch the video above entitled ‘How to Add Admin Users on MY CI HUB.’