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How do I launch Photoshop on Mac M1 and M2?





As of TODAY, Adobe PS is not supporting CEP Panels on M1/M2/Mx.

If you like to use a CEP Panel in this environment, you need to use Rosetta mode (Intel Emulation) on your MAC System.


We have Prepared a vide to help with this task.

See here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/n-F3Dpc95b8


Also, as CI HUB is also supporting the UXP Plugins, that tun in the native Apple MAX environment on all Mx Devices, you can also download the Application for this environment.


As of today this only relates to Adobe Photoshop as this is the only supported System for using UXP.


You finde the new plugin on the Adobe sore at the end of Week 32/2023.