Shared drive as temp-cache folder

Q: Can I use a shared drive as a temp cache folder?

A: Officially, we do not offer support for using shared drives as temp cache folders. While it is technically possible, it is not a recommended or supported practice.

Q: Why doesn't the company support using shared drives as temp cache folders?

A: This practice requires too many dependencies to be reliably supported across various customer environments. Supporting such a configuration would be complex and potentially lead to inconsistent experiences.

Q: Can it work despite not being officially supported?

A: Yes, in some cases, it can work. We have observed instances where designers (e.g., Designer B) could see all assets as linked and locally available when using a shared drive as a temp cache folder. However, these successful cases do not change our official stance on support.

Q: What are the risks of using a shared drive as a temp cache folder?

A: Since this configuration is not officially supported, you may encounter:
  • Inconsistent performance
  • Potential data synchronization issues
  • Lack of technical support for related problems
  • Compatibility issues with future software updates

Q: Are there any recommended alternatives?

A: We recommend using local drives for temp cache folders as per our official guidelines. This ensures optimal performance and full support from our technical team.