2022-03-28 / Release Note 01.02.65

Release Date: 2022-03-28

Improvements for SharePoint and WordPress

From now on, the name and, if applicable, a file type of the selected file is displayed via the basic metadata.

Example file name Example file type

The button bar in the Quick Detail section remains active in open and closed states.



Pimcore Integration with optimized features for PIM-Objects

Box Integration  with dynamic adjustment of the search limit. Increase from 10 to 25 if a user uses the full-text search. Decrease if the search field remains empty.

Sitecore and Widen Integration with optimized display of file names within the links tab and resolving old silicon links. Control a preselection from the adapter (attribute "alwaysUseHit") in the links tab is now available.

NetX-Integration is now live

Celum with "useDirectDownloadAllFormats (taking into account CORS specifications)